Long Time, No Update.
So, it's been almost a month since we have posted a blog update. Sorry to keep anyone in suspense.
We have misplaced our camera, and ended up missing the chance to document a good number of the steps that have taken us to where we are today. This next section will be lacking in detailed how-to details for now. We can elaborate further upon request.
The roofing went up in a less than a day. Scott and Tim got all 14 sheets up before lunch, then finished off the ridge cap soon afterwards. Tim stood up on the rafters/strapping in his "spider man vibrams" while Scott handed the roofing sheets (3'x7') up to him. We used a 1/4" hex-head bit on the impact driver and installed the sheets using roofing screws with rubber gaskets. This part was pretty straight forward and went without much of a hitch.
Our roof. No more sweating those late night rainy windstorms. |
Skip a few steps, and viola! "Death Star mode" activated. |
Once we had our new outer husk in place it was time to cut install the windows. So many details. We cut out the plywood using a flush-cuting dremel tool. Builder's paper went all around the inner opening, Tuck Tape to seal the edges. The windows went in over two days. We did the first three pre-framed windows one day, then installed the handsome wooden awning windows that Bailey built the frames for. These were a little more involved to install, but they went in surprisingly quickly.
Starting to look rather nice, we think. |
Now it's time for a little break. A trip to the mainland to visit family for the holidays, and a little time away from our labour of love. Now we have a roof to protect it from the elements for many years to come. Our gable ends are still open for the moment, and we have delayed installing the doorframe and door to avoid damaging them while working on the interior. But otherwise we are practically at lockup, which feels like a major accomplishment.
Our little propane cookstove, a recent score. |
Lots of light. The window on the right will have a fold-down table under it. |
Our sink will be below this window. The door has a full-length inset window. |
So, there you have it for now. Hopefully we didn't leave out too much for those itching for all of the technical details (haha). Thanks so much for visiting.
More updates to come, after our holiday hiatus. Plus maybe a spell to regenerate some funds.
All the best,
Bailey & Scott